About Us
π-hub is established from Phovesto Team for sharing skills, Knowledge, and Training students. π-hub carries out all the Research and Development activities of all Phovesto associated brands. Phovesto Team has developed π-hub to suit three broad categories having different needs and objectives. π-hub creates customized training modules and content to suit the expectations and deliver precisely and experimented knowledge.
π-hub is supported by organizations in addition to Phovesto and we are constantly evolving to increase our reach in different age groups and more domains of knowledge to make skill and knowledge available to all
Our Objective
To enhance people of various fields to innovate and excel in society.
Our Vision
To enhance people of various fields to innovate and excel in society.
Our Mission
To coach students of various domains to excel and be industry ready
To generate leaders with higher vision and sense of responsibility
To create professionals with high team spirit and value system
To innovate and develop new and efficient systems with optimal resource utilization